Tell me that you are Italian without telling me you are Italian
So as a respect-worth Italian, I’m going to take advantage of this contest to spead my pasta knowledge (even though I’m not such a great pasta supporter!).
1. Sauce should be mixed with pasta, not just spread on top – it is a lot tastier!
2. fettuccine alfredo and spaghetti with meatballs don’t exist
3. never serve pasta and things like a steak or a chicken breast on the same plate – “primo” and “secondo” should stay separate
4. original carbonara is made with guanciale, egg yolks and pecorino – nothing more, nothing less
5. is fettuccine – tagliatelle – linguine, not fettuccini – tagliatelli – linguini
6. “shrimp scampi” literally mean “shrimp shrimp” “scampi” means shrimps, while the pasta is called linguine, fettuccine or tagliatelle
7. pasta and noodles are NOT synonimus
8. pasta is literally the only italian dish that doesn’t go with bread – and, by the way, garlic bread doesn’t exist here!
9. the pasta shape changes how the final dish tastes, since different shapes capture sauces and ingredients in different ways
10. well this is just an opinion but spaghetti is the most overrated kind of pasta! Try penne, fusilli, rigatoni or, if you like long pasta, some good egg-made tagliatelle instead
By – federica-m